This chiropractor and her treatment has been able to affect positive change for health and reduction of pain in a way that no other doctor or chiropractor has been able to accomplish. -ML, Ojai

I have been repeatedly amazed by the effectiveness of this treatment. the methods used to find the problem are very precise – I can forget to tell the doctor about an ache or twinge but the testing always seems to reveal it. The fact that so few visits are required to correct a problem makes it my first choice for care.-CG, Ventura

I was missing school a lot, and could not spend time with friends and family…within a few months I had noticed increased energy and less illness.-EG, Ventura

A very comfortable environment where the doctors take extra time to tend to your needs.-DW, Santa Barbara

I do recommend this treatment to a lot of people. I just told one of my friends about it yesterday!-PG, Carpinteria

Chiropractic helps the whole body, not just the area of complaint.-GG, Carpinteria

I had back issues, pain, and discomfort that were worse sitting or standing still. There was a positive change in about a week. I found I was also able to concentrate better, and I had fewer headaches.-AV, Oxnard

I always come out feeling better.- a happy 7 3/4 year old from Santa Barbara

I began to notice that as others around me got sick, I did not.-EZ, Santa Barbara